No really, there are symptoms and everything!
Condition: Motherhood
Symptoms: sore throat, watery eyes, insomnia, shortness of breath, shortness of patience, mood swings and irritability. Symptoms can be mild to moderate and sometimes severe. Studies have shown a direct correlation with the temperament of the child. Mothers of multiple children may also suffer from insanity.
Root Cause: French kissing. For some reason, pregnancy and childbirth were the end results.
Prevention: The only surefire prevention is devotion to a nunnery but this video is also very effective...
Treatment: For those who have already succumbed to The Motherhood, early and aggressive treatment is key. You may find relief using some of these: personal time-outs, chocolate, screaming into a pillow and the occasional martini. Symptoms are likely to come and go with the passing of time, but rest assured, most symptoms will clear up all together in about 18 years.
Bottoms up!
That video was hilarious!!!
Your relief treatments all sound good to me - and don't forget about ipod's (put in those earphones, you can't hear them arguing!)
I loved that video, it is sooo true!
I have found that there isn't any temper tantrum that a glass of wine can't cure for me...Ahhh
Bottom's Up Ladies
this is funny. I am not a "mom" yet I am due in September but I totally understand this..lol
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