Today We Introduce You To Rachel from
Q: What motivated you to start your shop?
Quite simply, I was tired of my day job! I went to art school and was always working for myself on the side. After my son was born, I realized I needed to have a steady income and so got caught up in non art related work. Well, one day, enough was enough and I felt Etsy would be the perfect venue to start out full time on my own.
Q: What is the story behind your shop name?
When I first started to think about going out on my own, I didn't even know what I would sell. I was trained as a painter and illustrator so I naturally thought about selling original artwork and prints. I majored in Illustration in college and was always drawn to childrens's book illustration. I figured I should have a shop name that would appeal to a kid's market but wouldn't be too specific on what I was making. The Wonderland Studio just seemed to be a good fit. Good thing it was a little vague because kinetic mobiles is actually what I ended up selling!
Q: Do you have a favorite Etsy Shop (non-child related)?
Well, I am absolutely coveting everything in the shop called joepapendick. He makes scultpural bird feeders and I really can't wait to own one! I also buy lots of soap products from showertreatsoap. The owner, Laura, is fantastic to buy from and her products are wonderful.
Q: What surprised you most about having your own craft / online shop?
How much work there would be! I knew it would be a lot but at times, it can really be all consuming...
Q: What do you find most challenging about being an Etsy seller?
Balancing home life with work. When you sell all over the world, there is a tendency for customers to think you are available all the time at any time. I try to be, but because I am a busy shop, I do have to check out from the studio and get back to my family at the end of the day. Plus, with smart phones, I sometimes find myself waking up and answering emails at 2 in the morning, just because I can.
Q: What's your personal philosophy behind your shop / products?
I want to provide original artwork that is accesible to anyone and was created with kids and babies in mind. That's it! I do believe that all kids should be surrounded by art. Mobiles fit the bill nicely because you can hang them anywhere and kids are absolutely mesmerized by them.
Q: How would someone (other then you) describe you?
Nice? Hardworking? Funny? Generous? Honest? I don't know really, but I hope all of those things are true.
Q: What music do you have on while you are creating?
I usually listen to a very wide range of music..Some of my favorites are The Pixies, Johnny Cash, Fiona Apple, Niel Young, Tori Amos, Bob Dylan, Amy Winehouse, Joni Mitchell, Mumford and Sons, The Grateful Dead.....this list could go on and on.
Q: What do you do when you aren't working?
Just living my life with my family. My son is 9 and my husband and I try to spend as much quality time with him as we can. Of course, you have to fit in time for your friends too! I am blessed to rich in both family and friends.
Q: Anything else you'd like to tell us or share?
I think that covers it! Thanks so much for the interview!
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