Today We Introduce You To Melissa from little girl Pearl
My daughter! I went into a quilting shop with my Mom one day, and spied some Amy Butler fabrics. Inspired to pull out my old sewing machine from college, I grabbed a cute pattern, some adorable Alexander Henry fabric, and went to work one day to make her a cute little pant set for an upcoming wedding. I had been buying second hand designer duds on ebay, but after completing my first handmade garment for my daughter, piping and all, I was hooked. The fabric stash grew into an obsession, and when people started coming up to me and asking me where my I got those fabulous clothes for my daughter, "little girl Pearl" was born.
Q: What is the story behind your shop name?
My daughter's middle name is Pearl, after my paternal grandmother. It seemed an obvious choice for my business. She is my little girl Pearl!
Q: Do you have a favorite Etsy Shop (non-child related)?
I have several favorite etsy shops. I wear jewelry from my friend Erica Walker of WalkerSilverworks.etsy.com on a daily basis, and enameled wonders from Lia at bullfinchbarbury.etsy.com. But there are others I love just as much!
Q: What surprised you most about having your own craft / online shop?
Something that has always amazed me is the reach of etsy! I have had buyers from all over the world... Australia, Norway, Thailand, Singapore, France, Italy, and from most regions of the U.S.. To me, there is nothing that surprises me more than that.
Q: What do you find most challenging about being an Etsy seller?
The most challenging aspect is finding time for it all. I can tell you, ashamedly, that my house is a bit of a disaster. Alas...
Q: What's your personal philosophy behind your shop / products?
My personal philosophy is that I want my craftsmanship and enthusiasm to shine through my designs. I adore what I do. I get so excited when I have a whole day in my studio to "play" with color and pattern. I am thrilled when one of my customers takes as much delight in my designs as I do. And I am very proud of the extra time and care that I put into each and every dress. Piping and all!
Q: How would someone (other then you) describe you?
They would describe me as being full of dichotomies. Driven, yet laid back. Introverted, yet personable. Opinionated, yet amenable.
Q: What music do you have on while you are creating?
The music I listen to is very dependent on my mood. I've been known to crank up the volume on Miles Davis' "Bitches Brew" when working with the sweetest of pink fabrics...talk about a dichotomy!! I love jazz, but I've been listening to the National, an alternative rock group quite a bit. But my absolute favorite thing to listen to while working is the BOSTON RED SOX! I'm a diehard fan, and because we don't have a TV, I listen to them on the radio when I work in the evenings...nothing better! Especially when they win!
Q: What do you do when you aren't working?
When I'm not sewing, I'm flying. I'm a flight attendant for Delta Airlines, and travel all over the world for my job. I've been doing it for 20 years, and still love it. I don't have a particular route, but lately have been flying to Amsterdam a lot. Best place for bicycling in the world (because it's flat!). On my London layover I was able to catch a show in the West End. What a life!
Q: Anything else you'd like to tell us or share?
I'm so grateful for having my daughter who keeps me on my toes on a daily basis. I'm grateful to be surrounded by family and friends who support my endeavors. I'm grateful to be able to CREATE!
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