Q: What motivated you to start your shop?
I started my shop back when my sons were still in their teens and I knew they’d soon be moving on toward college and the work world. I realized at that point that I wanted to begin transitioning myself toward “something art related” that would give me a sense of satisfaction and joy. I had filled up many sketchbooks over the years with cute, kid-friendly illustrations, and, when I learned about Etsy, I thought it would be so much fun to share my artwork there!
Q: What is the story behind your shop name?
I fell in love with children’s illustration when my sons were little! And as a result, I spent hours and hours teaching myself to draw. I thought the name “Pholkart” was appropriate for me since, like a folk artist, I’m entirely self-taught. The “Blessings” part of my shop name simply grew from my desire to share art that focused on the good things, the simple blessings of life. Thus, PholkartBlessings was born.
Q: Do you have a favorite Etsy Shop (non-child related)?
Gosh!... There are so many! I tend to love whimsical, colorful, humorous artwork. DudaDaze, Whimsy Studios, and ButtUglee are shops I enjoy visiting over and over again!
Q: What surprised you most about having your own craft / online shop?
I would have to say the ongoing learning curve that having a successful shop requires. Not only do I need to create quality artwork I’m happy to place in my shop… I also need to learn to present my work to the world in an appealing and continuing way. I am still learning a lot about promoting my artwork through my blog and by networking through social media sites.
Q: W hat do you find most challenging about being an Etsy seller?
A couple of things really stand out. While I LOVE working from home, there are times (like when my husband travels) when I can feel isolated. My lab, Winnie, is a pretty good studio buddy… but once in a while I’d love to have another Etsy artist in town to grab coffee with and compare shop notes.
The second thing that is hard for me is dealing with discouragement. There can be times when not many customers visit my shop or purchase my artwork. During those times, I have found there is a lot of value in reminding myself that my job is just to show up in the studio each day, no matter how I’m feeling, and keep making art!
Q: What's your personal philosophy behind your shop / products?
I love that I can be an artist who creates my own original designs and then offer them directly to buyers who enjoy them! I get to set a warm, friendly, positive tone in my shop. I’m the one-and-only person creating the artwork and helping the customer, and I find that very satisfying!
Q: How would someone (other then you) describe you?
Quiet, friendly, creative, and resourceful. I enjoy living a very simple life and I love being with my family.
Q: What music do you have on while you are creating?
This may be surprising, but I don’t listen to music while I’m creating. My husband and I both work from home, and we find we both concentrate best in a quiet environment. The “music” I most often hear while creating is the swish-swish of the washer and the hum of the dryer! ;)
Q: What do you do when you aren't working?
I’ve always loved to draw, so I doodle in my sketchbook anytime just for fun! I have decorated our old bungalow in “Design on a Dime” style and find that to be very creative and satisfying! I’m learning to knit & crochet (nothing very fancy yet!). My husband and I love to hang out together with our lovable lab and watch movies in the evening. And, as often as we are able to, we spend time enjoying our two grown sons and their families.
Q: Anything else you'd like to tell us or share?
I feel very blessed to be able to stay at home and do what I love to do every day! I have “met” so many talented people online through the Etsy community who have generously shared their knowledge and experience with me. And I hope I can continue to pass along the support and help and encouragement that I have been given.