Today We Introduce You To Tammy
Q: What motivated you to start your shop?
In 2007, my daughter Lilli was born and I had the wonderful opportunity to be a stay at home mom. The challenge for me being a stay at home mom was to find an outlet to release my inner creative gene. I became very interested in photography and the photography props similar to the amazing Anne Geddes. I decided to make a silk flower hat and Lilli was my model and from that moment in creating, I haven't looked back and Lil' Flower Hats by Lilli was born! I then started making silk flower mats, silk flower clippies and silk flower bloomers but as Lilli got older, I expanded and Lil' Flower hats by Lilli became Sweet Princess Bowtique.
Q: What is the story behind your shop name?
Lil' Flower hats by Lilli was named after my daughter who was my test model for my first silk flower hat and mat! {Attached is a pictue of Lilli modeling the silk flower mat}
Q: Do you have a favorite Etsy Shop (non-child related)?
I would have to say "LoveJoyCreations". I contacted Brenda, the shop owner of http://www.etsy.com/shop/LovejoyCreations, to hand draw a photograph of Lilli for my Mom as a special gift and she created this beautiful hand drawn picture. I can't thank her enough for the gorgeous picture and my mom has it hanging over the fireplace. It was a great pleasure to work with such a talented woman! http://www.etsy.com/listing/40503027/custom-childrens-or-babys-portrait-in
Q: What surprised you most about having your own craft / online shop?
I think the biggest surprise was how fast the silk flower hat demand became about a month after I started selling them on etsy. I never thought it would be such a big part of my online shop and from that has helped me expand to hair clips and headbands.
Q: What do you find most challenging about being an Etsy seller?
Definitely, the competition. There are so many talented and unique children's accessory shops that as an owner, you have to always be unique and creative with your listings so the customer will notice your product. You also have to constantly come up with new and creative ideas and sometimes that can be tough.
Q: What's your personal philosophy behind your shop / products?
I would have to say my personal philosphy behind my products would be that all my products are for those little ones that love feeling like a princess, who love to have fun, and love to have unique and quality hand made products!
Q: How would someone (other then you) describe you?
They probably would say quite, kind, generous, hard worker, and perfectionist.
Q: What music do you have on while you are creating?
I LOVE music so usually is pop and R&B. My favorites are Lady Gaga, Jessie J, Katy Perry, Usher, FloRida
Q: What do you do when you aren't working?
I'm spending lots of time with Lilli. Luckily, she loves to do crafty things like me! :) I also love to do family genealogy, I find it very rewarding to find out history of your family.
Q: Anything else you'd like to tell us or share?
As a child I was diagnosed and conquered a cruel illness called Leukemia. I grew strong and realized that if I was determined, nothing could stop me. Fast forward through college, work, and marriage, I'm a strong woman living a normal life and with Lillianna being born my world was changed forever. It was a pleasure to have the opportunity to start out as stewey75/ Lil' Flower Hats by Lilli and now we have grown to become Sweet Princess Bowtique. Selling products to over 10 different countries, featured on zulilly and now being able to offer our customers a MyRewards program. Seeing my visions become finsihed products makes it all worthwhile. If you put your mind to something, you CAN accomplish it!
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