Today We Introduce You To Kristy from
Wild Things Funky Little Dresses
Wild Things Funky Little Dresses
I’m a mum of three living in the heart of the rural Lancashire hills in the UK with a career in fashion designing childrenswear, products, and fabrics for UK retailers for many years, as well as fashion lecturing. After the arrival of my youngest, and third little ‘wild thing’, Lila, I decided to go it alone to spend more time with them. Wild Things Funky Little Dresses just evolved, and grew organically really, after buying some small lengths of gorgeous fabric with a desire to make something to inspire my daughters. I guess it’s in my blood now to do this as I started making anything and everything at a very young age, back in the crafty 70’s, and then into the avant garde 80’s when as a teenager it was the only way to be ‘different". It was my late grandma, Florence who inspired me, with her huge walk in wardrobe of gowns and hats, and a sewing box full of goodies, and of course my mum who showed me how to work through paper patterns at an early age. I guess if I wasn’t outside playing, I was inside making things. Now it’s my children who inspire me. Their love to dress up, and their playful imagination, coupled with my love for simple bold colour and imagery, and Scandinavian simplicity, gave me a starting point. I love simple shape and pattern, which translate beautifully on to simple A-line shapes for dresses and macs (=raincoat). The range includes animal creature dresses (fox), ’picture’ dresses (rainbow), and contemporary print dresses. The character dresses have been hugely successful as they offer a high quality contemporary alternative to the dress up clothes little ones love to wear.
Q: What's your personal philosophy behind your shop / products?
I believe your little ones should have fun, feed their imagination, and love the clothes they wear." I think the simple print, colour ,pattern and whimsical imagery, as well as their practical versatility, make Wild Things Funky Little Dresses irresistible to children and style conscious parents alike. I’m trying to create clothes which are loved by children and adults alike ,help promote play, and evoke a sense of fun. I also believe in reviving skills passed down for generations which have been almost lost through over mass production. I’m very proud to be producing here in the UK too.
Q: What surprised you most about having your own craft / online shop?
Selling online has been the biggest learning curve for me. It was something which made me step outside my comfort zone, but I’ve found an amazing network of supportive like minded businesses makers and designers out there. Thanks to all of you!!
Q: What do you find most challenging about being an Etsy seller?
Of course dealing with individual customers can be a challenge, but it’s a pleasure to do when you receive such lovely responses and stories of the dresses being worn. I also love the idea of selling globally to a niche market,which makes personal contact all the more worthwhile and rewarding.
Q: Do you have a favorite Etsy Shop (non-child related)?
Thanks to both Nina (ninainvorm), and Sarah ( dollsanddaydreams) for endless mutual support,and for being such prolific creators themselves.
Q: How would someone (other then you) describe you?
Tenacious, passionate, determined!
Q: What music do you have on while you are creating?
I tend to listen to the radio whilst I’m working, especially late at night. (BBC Radio 2). I like being entertained and listening to the variety good radio throws at you.
Q: What do you do when you aren't working?
I live in a beautiful part of the world in the heart of the Lancashire Hills in the North West of England, so we have beautiful unspoilt countryside on our doorstep. I like nothing more than to spend a day exploring the ‘fairy woods’ behind our home with the children and the dog.
Q: Please tell us a little about the children's items market / handmade movement in your Country?
The UK childrenswear market tends to be saturated with over complicated, over designed co ordinated childrenswear, but which lacks a fresh approach. I’m trying to offer a fun but contemporary alternative. ‘Handmade’ has become a big thing here in the UK over recent years, which has provided fantastic opportunities for small makers to showcase their work to a hungry audience who are looking for something with a story and a bit of soul. There seems not to be a platform as consistent and up to the minute as etsy to allow makers to sell their work in the UK.
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