Easy Last-Minute Halloween Party Ideas
Posted Monday, October 31, 2011
Halloween Personal Pizzas
Posted Saturday, October 29, 2011
Looking for a fun snack for a Halloween party or an easy dinner to serve Halloween night? These personal pizzas are yummy, cute and simple to make. Here's what you'll need:
1 recipe of quick pizza dough (see below) - makes ~20 - 4" pumpkins pizzas
Pumpkin cookie cutter, we used a soft grip one from Wilton
pizza or tomato sauce
mozzarella cheese
small paring knife
Roll out pizza dough to ~1/4" thick. Cut with cookie cutter, and transfer to prepared cookie sheet. Leave a little space between each to allow for the dough to rise and spread while baking.
Spread each pumpkin shaped piece of dough with sauce and sprinkle which cheese. Cut a few piece of peperoni into smiles and eyes. The picture below offers one suggestion for how to cut the peperoni. Place peperoni pieces on each pumpkin pizza and bake for 5-6 minutes at 450 degrees, or until crust is done and cheese is melted.
If needed you can carefully reposition eyes or mouths right after they come out of the oven. Cool on a cooling rack and serve. They can be made a head of time and warmed in the oven before serving. Refrigerated biscuits or pizza dough from the freezer section, could also be used.
Quick Pizza Dough Recipe
1 pkg. quick rise dry yeast (aka 2-1/4 teaspoons)
1 cup lukewarm water
2 tablespoons vegetable oil
1 tablespoon honey
2-1/2 cups flour (1 cup wheat + 1-1/2 cups white)
1/2 teaspoon garlic powder
1/2 teaspoon onion powder
Mix yeast in water in glass measuring cup or small bowl. In a medium size mixing bowl, combine other ingredients. Once yeast is dissolved, pour over other ingredients and mix well by hand. Let sit in bowl 5-10 minute, or use immediately. Flatten on greased pan. For pumpkin pizzas, flatten using finger tips on floured counter for cutting. Add toppings and bake at 450 for 10-12 minutes.
Introducing Woolly Boo!
Posted Thursday, October 27, 2011
Today we introduce you to Selma from Woolly Boo
- what motivated you to start your shop?
Actually, it was my neighbor and a good friend, Rachel. She loves our bedding, and she thought it would be a great fit and a transition from the craft show circuit. This was back in 2009. I had two small kids, and having to travel for craft shows with them was taking it's toll on my sanity.
- what is the story behind your shop name?
The name was actually my husband's idea. We were brainstorming what to name this new business and we wanted to make sure that it has branding capabilities. Unfortunately, all derivatives of wool and baby were already taken. Then he said to call it "boo", because that was my term of endearment for him and our son. I was pregnant with our daughter at that time.
- do you have a favorite Etsy Shop (non-child related)?
A few, actually. I love jewelry by FiligranaGallery and Metalicious, accessories by MontclairMade, stained glass by peaceloveglass, wall decals by WilsonGraphics, home accessories by MaidenLove, and the list goes on and on...
- what surprised you most about having your own craft / online shop?
The biggest surprise was how many different people liked our products. And their geographic location. Then it was how much work it takes to network and sell on Etsy. I didn't like that part. It ate up my nights and all my free time with very little effect. However, I have to congratulate Etsy on the new improvements to the search options. It has catapulted us exactly where we should be in search results, and our views/likes/hearts skyrocketed. According to Google Analytics, we get over 500 unique visitors each week, and that is amazing.
- what do you find most challenging about being an Etsy seller?
Well, selling. We fill a very distinct niche in the baby bedding market, toddler bedding to be exact. And since we offer eco-luxury product, that narrows the market even further. Also, our use of organic wool has some people on the fence, because they are not familiar with the material. All of these melt away once people see our product in person, so we had to take to the road again.
- what's your personal philosophy behind your shop / products?
We set out to make the experience of healthy and peaceful sleep available to all children. Our products might require an initial investment, but that is an investment that will pay out long term dividends. Because, there is nothing more wonderful for a parent than knowing their children are sleeping safe and sound. And creating healthy sleep habits for the children will help the children as they get older. This is what our products provide. We have two ingredients: organic wool and cotton. Not too much explaining and definitely no excuses. If you don't like it as it is, than it is not for you.
- how would someone (other then you) describe you?
Assertive, passionate, and hopefully empathetic and caring.
- What music do you have on while you are creating?
That depends on a day. The easiest to write to is classical music, but when sewing I love to listen to a whole range of styles, from hip-hop and R&B to heavy metal and alternative rock. Yesterday it was Mumford & Sons, and today it's Black Eyed Peas. I like good music, so I try not to limit myself to English-speaking artists. Buena Vista Social Club albums are on a regular rotation, as well as Tinariwen.
- what do you do when you aren't working?
All my free time is dedicated to my family, my husband and my kids, just because there is so little of it. The kids are at that amazing age where everything is "why?", and I absolutely love it.
- anything else you'd like to tell us or share?
We would like to say thank you to all the wonderful EtsyKids members who have supported us over the years by making us their favorite and including us in their treasuries. We love the community feeling that has been created and we congratulate everyone, especially the team leadership, on the amazing accomplishments.
Halloween Wreath DIY Times Two!! by The Sewing Loft
Posted Monday, October 24, 2011
- Wreath form (I picked up a 14" straw wreath from my local craft store. $3.99)
- 1/2yard muslin
- Colored Tee's (I used cream, orange & black)
- Straight pins
- Scraps of fabric
- Sewing machine or needle & thread
- Optional- Sequins or buttons
- To cover the wreath form I ripped the muslin into 1 1/4" to 1 1/2" strips. Just clip the fabric at the selvage and rip from side to side. This will create a frayed effect and help create the "mummy" look. (no ironing is needed!)
- Using straight pins, pin the end of muslin on the back of wreath. (I even left the plastic on mine. This way it will not breakdown from the elements of mother nature!) Wrap the muslin around and around, pin in place.
- .Repeat until the wreath is covered. (You could use hot glue but I like the option of "reusing" the wreath!)

- a few plastic spiders (I used a few rings from last year)
- bits from an old worn out wig (again, from last year)
- spray glitter
- Cut a few thin sections of the wig from the underside. Tuck the strands in between the flowers. Pin if needed. Wrap the strands under and over until you have desired web. (Note- you can also use a store bought web.)
- Since my web is black the spiders did not pop. So, I found a can of spray glitter in the art closet and added some sparkle! A few blasts and they were all set. Just simply tuck in place.
What Every Breast Cancer Survivor Needs ~shared by GigiCreations
Posted Sunday, October 23, 2011
A couple of weeks ago, I was given the unique opportunity to volunteer at a Little Pink retreat. This one was held in Nags Head, North Carolina and it was my first trip to the Outer Banks. Little Pink Houses of Hope provides beach retreats for breast cancer survivors and their families. This is an emotionally-charged week with an outpouring of love like you, quite possibly, have never experienced in your life.. seriously. Little Pink has sponsored 7 retreats this year, with plans to offer more in 2012. If you're interested in a domestic mission trip like no other, you can apply to volunteer with them directly on their website.
One of the activity highlights from the week was hang gliding at Jockey Ridge State Park in Kitty Hawk with Kitty Hawk Kites. Amazing day! Seeing these survivors enjoy their families doing things they had yet to experience was sheer delight. We giggled and cried a LOT that evening and loved the gorgeous sunset over the bay in the distance. Truly a day to remember :)
I thought you guys might enjoy seeing our view from Nags Head :) Here are quite a few photos!
The village where the LPHOH Volunstar House was located..


EtsyKids Design Challenge: It's time to Vote!
Posted Friday, October 21, 2011
(If you can't view the voting poll above, please follow HERE to vote.)
- ladesigns2
- handprintlady
- Embroidered Treasures
- angelswan81
- CreartivityDesigns
- marykaren
- TheRoyalDetails
- TriedAndTrueDesigns
- MyLovebugBaby
- SweeterThanSweets
- SimplySublimeBaby
- Sweetiebugs
- littlepearlquilts
- That's The Cutest Thing
- AddieKaeSnaps
- Crafty Beever
- StoryBuilderToys
- mamieco
- bebbyjumpers
- felted kitten
- Lil Noodle Bug
- FireflyBlankets
- QuiltedHugsBibs
- Ana's Baby Couture
- YourLittleCupcake
- auntierobin
- lovebugsbyemily
- Upsy Daisy Creations
- atutudes
- OriginaliteeToo
- Petite Fish
- BabyChicCreations
- TheDragonflyPrincess
- leighandmichael
- RedKoalaArt
- ScarlettDaisies
- tinystitches
- thatmoxiegirl
- maxandmagnolia
- Mysticmoor
- SultrySplendor
- Cuddlehugs Boutique
- IrishHooksAndYarn
- Cutie Flair
- onceuponahook
- Zookies
- audreyroseboutique
- graceparks
- SewBrookstone
- BuggleandBoo
- aunttscloset
- ThisNThatBoutique
- cortsthings
- Trendylilmonkey
- dragonflybowtique
- tagd
- MorningTempest
- alaapron
- SadieBloomDesigns
- TheFeltedPear
- prettybowtique
- creature crawlers
- SugarPlumFairyBows
- mypoplin
- puzzledone
- tenderblue
- abcchildren
- sweetchildofmine7
- babswool
- tzburps
- thevoodookitten
- AdrianasCloset
- RockerByeBaby
- yourmomdesigns
- westmama
- tinyroseboutique
- boutiqueluckystars
- thepolkadottotspot
- kendrasred
- corinnascreations
- Bibmababy
- kangacoo
- vivyscloset
- MyArtsyBaby
- fabricfunetc
- thomaspark
Introducing Hazelrah - Plain Folk Crafts!
Posted Thursday, October 20, 2011
Today we introduce you to Sarah of Hazelrah - Plain Folk Crafts
- what motivated you to start your shop?
When my first son was born back in 2005, I went back to work after six months, but after considering how much we spent on daycare versus my income we made a decision that I would stay at home and I've been ever since. However, I've never been one to sit still and I began looking for way to make a little something from home to keep myself busy. I had previously been considering a career in illustration, but unfortunately that took far too much time and then I started tinkering with cloth dolls. I remembered how much I loved my rag dolls as a child and I started working on creating soft dolls that incorporated that love combined with my interest in pioneer life and clothing. I also have much admired the Amish culture I grew up around in New York and, living in Oregon at the time, wanted to make their wonderful dolls available for those who may be many miles from an Amish settlement. My children motivated me to incorporate the children's clothing, as I became more confident in making clothes for them, I ventured into new territory and now really enjoy using vintage patterns and the challenge they bring.
- what is the story behind your shop name?
When I started the shop I simply wanted something that alluded to the content of the shop. I have heard of the Amish people referred to as the "plain people" and this inspired the name "Plain Folk Crafts". Not wanting to limit myself to just dolls, I included the "crafts" part because at the time I was also creating gourd birdhouses as well as prints of various illustrations I had done prior to opening the shop.
- do you have a favorite Etsy Shop (non-child related)?
Well, even though this one is arguable, I absolutely love the illustrations here: http://www.etsy.com/shop/HidenSeek While they are based in fairy tales and folklore (a personal passion), there is certainly a dark twist that caters far more to adults than children.
- what surprised you most about having your own craft / online shop?
I think the thing that surprised me the most initially was that anyone bought anything! Mostly though, the biggest surprise, and the most pleasant, has been the feedback and wonderful e-mails I have received from my buyers. I know that my sales are comparatively low to many other shops, but those people whom I have had the pleasure of working with have really become the primary reason I continue to do this.
- what do you find most challenging about being an Etsy seller?
The most challenging issue I think I've had is pricing. When I really take inventory on how much time I spend on an order or a ready-made item and then figure in fabric costs, gas, etc. I know I'm coming up behind. But at the same time, I want to be affordable, it's a tough call sometimes. The other challenge I've had is not being able to afford an adjustable mannequin, as I know it would be a nice touch and give a bit of continuity to the shop images, someday!
- what's your personal philosophy behind your shop / products?
Simply, to make a product with the kind of craftsmanship I would want to receive, at a reasonable price.
- how would someone (other then you) describe you?
I think they'd say I was pretty driven, perhaps trying to do too much, but definitely passionate about all the hats I wear.
- what music do you have on while you are creating?
When I work, the music needs to be soft and mellow, so I mostly listen to soundtracks or instrumentals. Discovering Pandora has been a Godsend the last year! I have always been an artist so the music I listen to now is pretty much the same music I worked to at 12!
- what do you do when you aren't working or volunteering?
My three children (6, 4, and 1) keep me busy 24/7! And I’ve recently added school to that, as I attempt to finally finish up my bachelor's degree. I also try to volunteer as much as possible at my sons' school, and this year I'll be helping with Cub Scouts as well...phew, is that enough?
- anything else you'd like to tell us or share?
I'm just really glad for the opportunity to answer these questions and share a little bit about me and my shop. I look forward to reading everyone else's responses as well, during nap time of course!
Free Printable Owl Invitations from Westmama Designs
Posted Wednesday, October 19, 2011
EtsyKids Design Challenge for October: Pumpkins, Skulls, Pirates Oh MY!
Posted Tuesday, October 18, 2011
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Each month EtsyKids Team members are challenged to create a unique item within a chosen theme. "Pumpkins, Skulls, Pirates Oh MY!" is our challenge for October, picked by our last month's winner Cranky Cat Studios (TheVoodooKitten). Halloween decor, games, treats, fashion and costumes!
EtsyKids members will have until October 19th to submit their entries, and voting will be open to everybody from Friday, October 21st to Thursday, October 27th. So, be sure to come back to the EtsyKids blog for a new post on the 21st to see all of the entries and VOTE! In the meantime, please click here to get a sneak peek at some exciting entries so far!
In The News: Nini's Handmades
Posted Monday, October 17, 2011
Fall Toss Game for your Haloween Party DIY by The Sewing Loft
Posted Sunday, October 16, 2011
- Box
- Box Cutter
- Ruler
- Marker or Pencil
- Paint & Basic Supplies
- Heavy Weight Fabric
- Fabric in Contrast Colors
- Heat & Bond Ultra
- 1 2lb bag of Black Eyed Peas
- Thread, Sewing Machine, Iron
- To create the angle on your box measure 3” across the opening at one edge. Then up 1” from the bottom. Take your ruler and connect the lines. Repeat to other side. Connect lines across the side. (This is your cutting line.)
- On the bottom of the box, sketch out your design. Have fun here. (I just used a bowl for shape.)
- It is best to cut the design first. Then the sides. Please take care when cutting.
- Paint box in your desired color. I painted mine brown. I just used craft paint I had on hand.
- Set aside to work on bags.
- To create the base for the 6 bags cut 12 squares 5 1/2" large.
- For the leaf pattern I looked to Mother Nature for the perfect pattern. (That’s right, not need to reinvent the wheel here! Just take a stroll outside and look in the trees.) I outlined my leave to a piece of cardboard and cut out. This is your templates for the top of bags.
- Apply Heat & Bond to wrong side of each fabric for your design. Draw & cut out shapes.
- Following the directions on the Heat & Bond package, peel the backer away and apply design to the front side of your bag. *Be careful, not to iron on the wrong side of fabric. Once in place, the bond is strong and it will not come off. To create the vines in the leaves, I used my sewing machine and applied a straight stitch in a contrasting color.
- To join the bags together, line up the front and back of bags right sides together. Using 3/8" seam allowance and the straight stitch on your sewing machine, stitch bags together. Start 1" in from the edge of one side and stitch all around the bag and stop 1" after the last corner. Be sure to back stitch for strength at start and stop. Clip corners and turn right side out.
- Fill bag with approx 3/4 cup of Black Eyed Peas, fold under the seam allowance and stitch the last side closed. ** Do not over fill. You will not be able to stitch the last seam closed.
- Clip all loose threads for a finished look.
Crafting for a Cure
Posted Saturday, October 15, 2011
Introducing Kendrasred!
Posted Thursday, October 13, 2011
- What motivated you to start your shop?
When one of my best friends was married a few years ago, she hired gourmet taco trucks for her reception dinner. To support this amazing choice, I silkscreened an 'i love tacos' onesie for my baby to wear. It was a hit, and I began making them for friends, their friends and more friends' friends. My first listing was this silkscreened onesie (http://www.etsy.com/transaction/53264802), and my Etsy shop has evolved dramatically for me since.
- What is the story behind your shop name?
'Kendrasred' was my first email/screen name from back in the 90s, so I went with it again for consistency. But once I began taking my business more seriously, I referred to my shop as 'Big Bridge Studios' (though it remains 'kendrasred' on Etsy) -- not only do I marvel at the Verrazano Bridge everyday, and feel inspired by it, but Big Bridge is also a metaphor for bridging a gap, and finding my way to the 'other side.'
- Do you have a favorite Etsy Shop (non-child related)?
I have several, but I've been a long-time fan of www.nervoussystem.etsy.com and www.ashhilton.etsy.com -- both have exceptional jewelry. I also send my misprints to the upcyclers at www.citymade.etsy.com, who turn my botched tees into super cool bags and scarves and other great stuff. As far as business advice and inspiration, I always look to my super-savvy and super-talented friend at www.metalissa.etsy.com.
- What surprised you most about having your own craft / online shop?
That so many people would love what I love making.
- What do you find most challenging about being an Etsy seller?
Getting my name out there, finding ways to get more clicks, wanting like crazy to get on the front page and get featured and so on, but not sure/not confident about how to do so.
- What's your personal philosophy behind your shop / products?
I've realized that if I'm not entirely confident about every single part of my product -- whether it's the fabric, the brand, the make up of the ink, the packaging, my business cards -- I feel uncomfortable, I lose gusto, and it stalls my success.
- How would someone (other than yourself) describe you?
I think I come across fairly confident and creative. Hard-working. Reliable.
- What music do you have on while you are creating?
Much to my husband's chagrin, I really love putting on the Music for Aardvark's channel that I created on Pandora. It's upbeat, unintrusive, and, like the smell of gingerbread, reminds me of how much joy being a mom has brought to my life.
- What do you do when you aren't working?
I'm a SAHM of a three year old boy, and we spend a great deal of our time at the numerous parks in Brooklyn and on walks along the Hudson River.
- Anything else you'd like to tell us or share?
Even though I had worked several years in Manhattan in the graphic arts and in printmaking, it wasn't until I had my son that I started creatively 'winging it.' A gigantic high five to Etsy for providing me (and so many others) the opportunity to give my ideas a shot and put them out into the world.
Tutorial:: Blow Your Nose
Posted Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Michelle (TheCrazyElephant) says, my favorite fabrics to use for facial tissues are flannel, which can be 1 layer, or t-shirt material. This is a great way to use old shirts or other clothing items.
Once selecting your fabric, decide how large you would like them to be. I either use an actual kleenex as a pattern or work with the size of my fabric. Next you sew 1/4" from the edge and then cut around the square using pinking sheers. And you are ready to use your fabric tissue. I like to use 1 layer of fabric for heavier materials like flannel, but do 2 layers for lighter materials.
We just switched to fabric last year and I am very happy! None of us got the crusty, red, dried out noses that we always got with paper. It was a very comfortable winter.
TheCrazyElephant blog.
TheCrazyElephant on Etsy.
Best Witches
Posted Saturday, October 08, 2011
World Smile Day!
Posted Friday, October 07, 2011
Enjoy these EtsyKids Team items that will put a smile on your face.