Growing up, I was a complete wallflower, but minding my own business in the background did

Yup, I was going to have boys and avoid reliving my teenage years, even vicariously. I should have known. Statistically, I thought we had a shot, I mean there is a 51% to 49% ratio of male to female births. However, I married into a family where the odds aren't quite so even. Between my husband and his two brothers, there are nine, count 'em NINE, girls and no boys. How is this even possible? I suspect a government experiment using their tap water growing up, but we'll never know. :oP It would be an interesting study though.
While I still wonder what having boys would be like, I do love my girls and it's made me realize that you don't get what you want, you get what you need. And perhaps I will relive my teenage years through my girls, but having gone through it, maybe I'll able to make theirs better. Or at the very least, a little less traumatic. Time will tell. :o)
Written for The Mama Dramalogues.
sweet girls!
I grew up with 2 sisters and when I was pregnant with my first I only wanted a boy....and guess what..I got a girl! I cried. But I love my little girl more than I can describe! I was blessed, I got my boy the 2nd time around so I got to have experience with both sides and both are great. thank you for this great article!
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