Just Nod and Smile

Posted Monday, June 22, 2009

When I first got pregnant with my daughter Peri, I was adamant that I wanted a drug-free labor and I was bound and determined to make it happen. I did my research and Jim and I attended Bradley Method classes with 2 other couples. We were all set to go, armed with our information, my coach of a husband and my own personal relaxation techniques. I was going to do it.

The only mistake we made, was telling other people. This is one of those new parent instances, where as someone experienced, you should just nod and smile and say, "That's great! Good for you." We all have our ideals and the nicest thing you can do is to let people hold onto their delusions. Instead, I was constantly met with negative comments; "It's going to hurt. You'll want the epidural," "Why in the world would you do that," "No one's going to give you a medal."
My response was usually, "Really? Have you tried it?" To which the answer was ALWAYS "No." Hm, so I guess you can't knock it 'til you've tried it, right?

Well, anyone that knows me should know that telling me not to do something, will only make my decision even more resolute. And guess what? I did it. Oh yeah, drug free, baby! Not once, but twice. I labored and delivered twice with nothing but my determination. And I'd do it again, dagnabit!

In fact, shortly after having Peri, there was a request in FitPregnancy for readers' responses to whether or not they wanted drugs in the delivery room. Of course I had to write in and share my personal experience and lo and behold, they contacted me to tell me they were printing my response.

"I didn't want anything to do with pain medication. I knew that if I could work with the pain, rather than against it, I would be fine. Yes, it was the worst pain I have ever felt, but looking back, I wouldn't have done it any other way."
April/May 2005 Fit Pregnancy Issue

As if that weren't cool enough, they sent me an Evenflo ExerSaucer SmartSteps activity center. Those things are around $100 and they were sending me one for free just for printing my response! How cool was that?!

And so, to all those naysayers who told me I "wouldn't be given a medal," I say, "Are you kidding?! I got the best medal ever! And both of my kids got a lot of use out of it." Once they figured out the toys were on top, that is. :o)

Originally posted 6/8/09 here


Elizabeth said...

Kudos to you for doing it YOUR way! After my first born, I did it naturally...4 times more and although it is a lot of pain, it's not anything our bodies can't handle. I wouldn't have had it any other way either! Great story!

Shannon said...

Way to go!! I was also insistent upon a natural labor and delivery, and opted for a midwife rather than an OB. Was it painful? Of course it was, but I was expecting it to be. And I totally agree about working with the pain rather than against it. Would I do it the same way again? Absolutely! :)

Renee•Candy Stick Lane said...

YAY!!!! You totally rock! and WHAT A CUTIE! OMG!!!

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