I have three girls, and when a certain doll catalog comes in the mail, there is a huge clamoring to see who can get their hands on it first. My girls love the books and stories that go along with the dolls, telling their story and the time in which they lived. Over the years these characters like many in their favorite books, have become good friends, friends they like to visit often within the pages of their stories.
With gift giving and wish lists in the forefront of our minds, my circle of friends, has talked a lot about dolls lately ... brands, quality, cost, worth. Lots of opinions, but mostly lots of Mom's wanting to promote good values in the toys they give their daughters, wanting high quality, but also working with in modest budgets.
When a friend mentioned to co-worker that she was looking for quality clothing for her daughters 18" doll, and wanted more variety than what can be found in the stores. Her co-worker said, "Have you tried Etsy?"

What a fabulous suggestion! Etsy, specifically EtsyKids team members have an amazing selection of clothing for
18" dolls ... everything from
period dresses and
party dresses, to
soccer and
cheer leading uniforms. But don't for get the everyday clothes and accessories ...
caps, and more. The prices are super reasonable and the quality looks amazing! So if you're in the market for 18" doll clothes. Please check out the selection offered by our
EtsyKids team members. They have LOTS to offer the little girls on your shopping list this year.