Saturday, January 30, 2016

January Design Challenge Winner

January's Design Challenge had the theme "Snowflakes & Snowmen".
We had lots of lovely entries from our team member but the winning entry with the most votes was...

This is a child's turquoise blue, with speckled stripes, sweater with a motif picture of a snowman standing in falling snow on the front of the body. He is wearing a splendid red hat and a fringed scarf is wrapped around his neck which can be tied up or left undone. It is just ideal for a little boy or girl to wear during the predicted cold weather which we have been promised, but can be worn anytime!! It is fun and functional, and very soft to snuggle into.

Here are some more lovely items from ThatsTheCutestThing

Newborn baby infant boy's girl's traditional pale blue matinee jacket cardiganPale yellow handknit aran cable girls sweater jumper OOAK with shoulder buttons and cute hat with flower.Newborn Baby Boy's / Girl's white / blue modern hand knitted matinee jacket and hat / cap. Royal Baby Inspired.Newborn baby infant girl boy hand knitted pale yellow traditional lace lacy matinee jacket / cardigan and booties pram set
Baby infant girl toddler hand knitted mauve traditional / matinee outfit of jacket / cardigan trousers / legging pants pom pom hat pram set.Newborn baby girl's pale pink hand knitted lacy pram outfit of lace dress, pants and bootees.Women's / teen girls wristwarmers armwarmers fingerless gloves mittens handknit with Merino mix yarn - Mother's Day gift.Baby infant girl hand knitted pale pink matinee outfit of jacket / cardigan trousers / leggings bonnet / hat pram set.

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1 comment:

  1. Thank you to all those who voted for my snowman sweater!


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