Wednesday, May 06, 2015

Meet Etsy Seller ColoringTheirWorld

This week we meet Etsy Seller ColoringTheirWorld.  Coloring Their World started their shop in 2014 and they create Modern Decor for Everyone in the Family.  Today they are going to give us a little peak behind the scenes of their Etsy shop.

4 Birds on a Branch - fabric birds cozied up on a real branch - porch, sunroom, home decor, woodland nursery decor    REG SIZE Nursery & Kid's Bookends, Child Safe Fabric Bookends, Reversible- Colorful Nursery and Children's Decor, Modern Bean Bag Bookends

What motivated you to start your shop?
I worked in Marketing for a small business prior to having my second child.  At that point I wanted to stay home more so that I could answer the demands of family life on my own schedule.  I wanted to be my own boss, work hard one week and vacation the next, stay home with my girls but also feel that I've personally accomplished something (outside of raising children and running the household) at the end of the day.  I wanted to contribute financially to my family but didn't want to deal with the stress of two full-time jobs and two kids.  Etsy provided the perfect outlet for me to test the waters, see if I could start a business on my own.

What is the story behind your shop name?
I love the contrast collection of patterns and colors that I've used in my girls' room.  I love to think of them laying in bed at night and studying the fabrics I've used in their decor - creatures, nature, geometric shapes - all with a modern flair.  The thing I love the most about their rooms is the bold use of color.  Kids love color.  I wanted to offer modern color choices and patterns that appealed not only to the children, but also to the parents.  Walking into a nursery or kid's room should be like entering a whimsical scene - let their imaginations roam.  I don't make a lot of baby pink and baby blue decor, bold colors are intriguing to me, and judging by the requests I get for special orders in my Etsy store, they are quite popular with moms around the world.  

What surprised you most about having your own craft / online shop?
Frankly, I was pleasantly surprised that this worked at all!  I wasn't sure I'd be able to meet my financial goals through setting up an Etsy store but as it turns out, I was there in a matter of months.  The training resources are awesome and the sense of community is palpable - even when sitting in front of a computer screen.  I was surprised that I could get everything that I wanted out of an online store through Etsy.  I don't have a separate website or sell through other online marketplaces.  I started with Etsy and I've been too busy to even think about going elsewhere.
I'm also often surprised by orders from other countries.  My bean bag bookends are popular overseas.  I wish I could ship three pounds of beans to Australia for less than $25!

What is your favourite creations from your shop?
I love to make custom bird mobiles.  People often make color requests and pair patterns I wouldn't have thought to combine on my own.  They always turn out fabulous.  Plus, I love having the one-on-one interaction with customers.  I like to put a name and conversation behind a piece that I create - it's extremely satisfying.

 What's your personal philosophy behind your shop / products?
I want to create affordable, custom, colorful decor for little ones.  I want people to experience the contrast of patterns and colors in my products and create imaginative environments for their kids.  I strive to make each item unique and beautiful in it's own way.  I hope to offer enough variety to satisfy anyone's creative streak. 

What do you do when you aren't working?
My girls are 2 and 4, so we do a lot of swinging, bike riding and snacking.  What else?  I love to tackle home improvement projects.  My husband probably wishes I worked out of the home more, I'd have less time to imagine ways to improve things ;)
I would love to start on the nursery design part of my business but I just can't seem to find the time right now.  Maybe when the girls spend more time at school I'll get to it.  For now, we're pretty busy as it is.

ColoringTheirWorld would like to offer a discount for Etsykids readers. Use the code COLOR10  to receive 10% discount on any purchase through August 31, 2015

  Mother's Day Gift - 7 Birds on a Branch Mobile, Gender-neutral Color Palette Fabric Birds - porch, sunroom decor, woodland nursery decor                      And then there were 3... birds on a branch - 3 fabric birds on a real branch - porch, sunroom, home decor, woodland nursery decor


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