Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Meet Etsy Seller OddEDesigns

Today we would like to introduce you to Adyan
and her Etsy shop OddEDesigns

OddEDesigns has been selling on Etsy since June 2011, she specializes in making lovely tshirts, onesies and accessories for babies, toddlers and kids. Today she is sharing a little about her shop and selling handmade items.

What motivated you to start your shop?
When my daughter was two or three, a friend taught me how to applique. It was so much fun, and I could brighten up any shirt in my daughter's closet, which I did. I loved playing with new fabrics and coming up with new designs. Soon, my son was born, so of course my talents were put to use with a new wardrobe for him. But I ran out of things to make for my kids, so I branched out to other members of the family. Soon, I had a random stack of shirts in a small corner of the office and no one to give them to! I took the plunge and started my shop on Etsy.

What is the story behind your shop name?
I have an unusual name -- Adyan. It's pronounced ODD-e-on. My husband's nickname for me is the first part of my name, "Ady" -- ODD-e. Hence, odd.e.designs.

What surprised you most about having your own craft / online shop?
The thing that surprised me most about having a shop online was how good I'd have to get at taking photos! My first photos were completely laughable. But I studied other shops, read up online, joined the teams and got advice there. I'm still not great at it, but believe me...My photos now are so much better than that first picture I put in my shop.

What's your personal philosophy behind your shop / products?
My shop's tagline is "fun things for little people." And I've stuck to that. I keep my items bright, simple, fun, easy to wear, easy to use, and affordable. I try to use fabric that is slightly unusual, stuff you won't see everywhere else.

What do you do when you aren't working?
In my "real life," I'm a middle school teacher, which keeps me on my toes. Then, of course, I'm a mother to two of the most beautiful, funny, whip-smart kids in the world. So working on my shop and making my products usually happens in the free-time between writing lesson plans, making dinner, helping with homework, grading papers, giving baths, attending meetings, and sleeping. But that's really okay, because working with fabric keeps me sane in a way nothing else can.

Anything else you'd like to tell us or share?
I'm so happy and proud to be a shop owner on Etsy and a member of the Etsy Kids team.

OddEDesigns is offering 10% discount (excluding shipping) to our blog reader. To use the coupon, visit her etsy store and enter code 'ETSYKIDS10' at checkout.

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