Wednesday, November 02, 2011

St. Martins Day Tutorial

{This post is brought to you by Stephanie from Toastie Studio}

It makes me sad seeing all the fun Halloween posts in blog land over the last few weeks. So many beautiful costumes made and decorations but in the Netherlands no one really celebrates it.
But we do celebrate St. Martins Day on 11th November!
On St. Martins night kids walk around the neighbourhood with handmade paper lanterns or candles. They knock at your door and sing you a little song about St. Martin in exchange for some candy.

Although St. Martins Day is not celebrated everywhere in the world, I am sharing a little tutorial to make paper lanterns today. You can always use the tutorial to make some lanterns for Thanksgiving or Christmas.
And if you like this printable check with my etsy shop in the coming weeks as I expand into party and celebration printables.

You will need:
Template (download here, includes small and medium template)
Coloured card
Tissue paper
Decorating materials, this can be what ever you have on hand, pencils, glitter, stickers, felt etc.

Print off the template onto your coloured card stock and cut around the edge and cut the 4 squares out of the panels. Score along the fold lines to make it easier later on.
If you are making the medium lantern, glue the two pieces together so it looks like the small lantern template and keep some scrap card to make the hanging loop.

Cut your tissue paper into squares big enough to cover the cut out panels and glue them into place on the back side of the lantern.

Turn your lantern over and take your decorating materials and make your lantern look super pretty! You can really use anything to decorate it with.

Once you have finished glue the end tab of the lantern to the other side so you get a square.

Then glue each of the tabs on the top two sections all the way around making the lanterns shape.

Now glue on the little handle strip, or use ribbon if you prefer.

In the Netherlands you can buy little sticks with string on one end and an electric candle attached so you can hang them from the stick to go out and sing with. But you can always leave them on the table with an electric candle inside.

NOTE these lanterns are made from paper, do not use a real candle in them as its a fire hazard!!

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