Today we introduce you to Selma from Woolly Boo
- what motivated you to start your shop?
Actually, it was my neighbor and a good friend, Rachel. She loves our bedding, and she thought it would be a great fit and a transition from the craft show circuit. This was back in 2009. I had two small kids, and having to travel for craft shows with them was taking it's toll on my sanity.
- what is the story behind your shop name?
The name was actually my husband's idea. We were brainstorming what to name this new business and we wanted to make sure that it has branding capabilities. Unfortunately, all derivatives of wool and baby were already taken. Then he said to call it "boo", because that was my term of endearment for him and our son. I was pregnant with our daughter at that time.
- do you have a favorite Etsy Shop (non-child related)?
A few, actually. I love jewelry by FiligranaGallery and Metalicious, accessories by MontclairMade, stained glass by peaceloveglass, wall decals by WilsonGraphics, home accessories by MaidenLove, and the list goes on and on...
- what surprised you most about having your own craft / online shop?
The biggest surprise was how many different people liked our products. And their geographic location. Then it was how much work it takes to network and sell on Etsy. I didn't like that part. It ate up my nights and all my free time with very little effect. However, I have to congratulate Etsy on the new improvements to the search options. It has catapulted us exactly where we should be in search results, and our views/likes/hearts skyrocketed. According to Google Analytics, we get over 500 unique visitors each week, and that is amazing.
- what do you find most challenging about being an Etsy seller?
Well, selling. We fill a very distinct niche in the baby bedding market, toddler bedding to be exact. And since we offer eco-luxury product, that narrows the market even further. Also, our use of organic wool has some people on the fence, because they are not familiar with the material. All of these melt away once people see our product in person, so we had to take to the road again.
- what's your personal philosophy behind your shop / products?
We set out to make the experience of healthy and peaceful sleep available to all children. Our products might require an initial investment, but that is an investment that will pay out long term dividends. Because, there is nothing more wonderful for a parent than knowing their children are sleeping safe and sound. And creating healthy sleep habits for the children will help the children as they get older. This is what our products provide. We have two ingredients: organic wool and cotton. Not too much explaining and definitely no excuses. If you don't like it as it is, than it is not for you.
- how would someone (other then you) describe you?
Assertive, passionate, and hopefully empathetic and caring.
- What music do you have on while you are creating?
That depends on a day. The easiest to write to is classical music, but when sewing I love to listen to a whole range of styles, from hip-hop and R&B to heavy metal and alternative rock. Yesterday it was Mumford & Sons, and today it's Black Eyed Peas. I like good music, so I try not to limit myself to English-speaking artists. Buena Vista Social Club albums are on a regular rotation, as well as Tinariwen.
- what do you do when you aren't working?
All my free time is dedicated to my family, my husband and my kids, just because there is so little of it. The kids are at that amazing age where everything is "why?", and I absolutely love it.
- anything else you'd like to tell us or share?
We would like to say thank you to all the wonderful EtsyKids members who have supported us over the years by making us their favorite and including us in their treasuries. We love the community feeling that has been created and we congratulate everyone, especially the team leadership, on the amazing accomplishments.
Thanks for the opportunity. We love being part of EtsyKids!