Monday, June 13, 2011

Owl About TZ Burps

My daughter inspires everything I do at TZ Burps. I started with bibs and burp cloths when she was 2 months old. As she has grown, so have my products. They tend to match the stage of life she is in. I went from bibs to blankies, changing pads, hair clips, fairy wands, to last summer…plush owls and birds (her newest fave)!

They have become my favorite to make. I find myself hearting all the owl stuff on Etsy and we both point out owl stuff in the stores. It has taken over. What almost four year old asks to have an owl birthday party or be an owl for Halloween? That would be my daughter! I couldn’t be happier or prouder.

She can’t wait to start sewing. She is always asking to make an owl on the sewing machine. We just recently created an item that we can make together…crinkle owlies! A small minky dot owl with fleece body parts, stuffed with polyester fiberfill and a secret ingredient. The owlies have a ribbon loop at the top of their head so it can be hooked onto a car seat, high chair, stroller, etc. Their legs are made of heat sealed ribbon. So how does this involve my daughter? She came up with the name and the secret ingredient…fruit snack trash! She eats the fruit snacks, washes the empty fruit snack bag, then she stuffs it into the owlie! She thinks it is the coolest thing ever. Eat fruit snacks, reuse trash to save the Earth (as she says), and help mommy make something.


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