Wednesday, June 01, 2011

I'm Featured, You're Featured

Do you want your Etsy shop and/or blog to get featured on some amazing and popular blogs for free? I've been scouring the internet to get my shop and my blog featured and I want to share what I've found with you!

Here are my features from this past week:

EtsyStrut Forum (no idea who posted this link to my blog, but I got 58 visits from it)
and one more from a few weeks ago: Handmade Top 10

These features have improved the visibility of my shop and blog noticeably. To prove it to you, here are the stats from Google Analytics (total views for my shop and my blog combined):

Week of March 28th - April 3rd:
430 visits

Week of April 4th - 10th:
1,277 visits

Free advertising really works! Now I want to share with you a list of high-profile sites I've found that will feature you for free. I did the digging for you, so the links will take you directly to the page where they're taking submissions (click on the button to go to the homepage). This list is sorted by category but there is some overlap here, so check out every category:

Craft Tutorials:

oneprettythingOnePrettyThing (one of my favorite blogs!) features several craft tutorials a day--just send Rachel an email with your url and description.

Craft DIY Ideas
Tip Junkie tells 23,000 Facebook fans about your craft tutorials, party ideas, decorating tips, printables and more.

Totally tutorials tips tricks recipes how tos

Totally Tutorials features one craft tutorial a day for their 3,500 followers to read.

The Crafty Crow

The Crafty Crow shares with 4,500 Facebook fans your kids' craft tutorials.

Tatertots and Jello

Tatertots and Jello posts your crafty tutorial for almost 12,000 followers to read! (You can also add your link to the linky parties and get some exposure that way, too.)

Today's Creative Blog
Today's Creative Blog features a new crafty blog each day. Just email her to have yours considered.

Free craft projects at

Craftbits will show off your crafty tutorial for 60,000 newsletter subscribers to read!

How Does She?
How Does She? shares your ideas, from craft tutorials to fashion to cooking to family life, with their 12,000 Facebook fans.

Mod Podge Rocks
Mod Podge Rocks shows off your Mod Podge-y projectcs with 5,000 followers. Just send her an email.

Celebrations at Home
Celebrations at Home has over 1,700 followers and features craft tutorials and party ideas.

Craftaholics AnonymousCraftaholics Anonymous will feature your craft tutorials and printables for over 5,800 followers to read.

Dollar Store Crafts

Dollar Store Crafts features (you guessed it) inexpensive craft ideas for over 8,200 Facebook fans.


Childmade has a "perpetual linky party" going on! You can upload your newest project any time you want and the favorites will be posted on the Childmade blog.

Crafter Minds
Crafterminds is full of great resources for anyone who has a craft blog and is put together by some of the other bloggers on this list.


IShareCrafts will (guess what!) share your craft tutorials in a pictorial directory. The only catch is that you'll have to register to submit yours.

U Create Ucreate features craft tutorials, recipes, home decor and party ideas for their 9,500+ followers.

Etsy Shops/Products:

Craft Gossip
Craft Gossip shares your favorite Etsy shops, products and/or craft tutorials with their readers.

Heart Handmade blogs about your Etsy shop.

Handmade Top 10
Handmade Top 10 is a fun site where you list 2 of your Etsy shop items in each category and then people vote on them. It helps you get free publicity and tells you how your item compares to others in a category (Select Type, then Open on the left margin to see which categories are currently open for listing/voting).

The Handmade Gift Guide
The Handmade Gift Guide features Etsy treasuries full of handmade gift ideas.

Parties and Events:

Hostess with the Mostess
Hostess with the Mostess has beautiful photos of every kind of party, as well as recipes, tutorials and printables.

Design Dazzle
Design Dazzle shares your party photos/ideas, crafty tutorials and room designs with over 4,500 followers.

TomKat Studio
TomKat Studio shares your parties with over 23,000 Facebook fans.

Birthday Girl Blog
Birthday Girl features your gorgeous birthday party photos.

There are so many great blogs out there... If none of these are in your niche, here's how to create your own list of places where you'd like to be featured:
  1. Check out a blog you love.
  2. See if the blog has a sidebar or a page with all the places they've been featured, then click on each of those sites that has featured them.
  3. Look around for a "contact me" or "get featured" option on the featuring blog.
  4. Submit your project and see what happens!

LInky ToolsAnother option to get featured is to join up with linky parties, blog hops or contests. You never know who will find you that way... Just find a linky at one of your favorite blogs and join in!

Any other great high-profile sites that you know of that I can add to this list?

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