Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Wall Art for Little Bedrooms

At the slightest hint of Spring, the cleaning, de-cluttering, purging, rearranging, and redecorating side of me jumps into action, especially in the kids bedrooms - holy moly kids can cram a ton of stuff in their rooms, especially over the winter, [what's with that?]! Once their rooms are sparkling and orderly, the rearranging and redecorating begins! In our house, this kind of redecorating is more rearranging than redecorating, 'cause there isn’t much budget for “decorating.” So we move furniture around, add and subtract accessories from one room for another, turn sheets into curtains, and do all we can to make the room look totally fresh and different.

Art work is always something I struggle with in my kids rooms. I want something fun, creative and inspiring, but I also want it to work for my 3 year old or my 10 year old, and still work when they're 16. [I know I ask a lot for my $1]

The EtsyKids team has an amazing selection of “wall art.” Prints or original works in a variety of different themes, colors, sizes and prices. How fun to be able to add a new dimension to a child’s space with an original piece of art. Here are four to get your search started.

I'll be sharing more EtsyKids wall art over the coming weeks. Look for them on Wall Art Wednesdays.

1 comment:

  1. Hi,
    This is my first time on your beautiful blog. LOVE IT! All the colors, the art, and the photos!
    I became a follower.


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