Wednesday, January 06, 2010

WOW it has really been a while!!

I feel like such a slacker lately.

Back at the end of October I had a little girl, and she is such a cutie. But then all my holiday shoppers started coming, so I haven't had much time for anything besides my baby and getting product out. So again I wanted to apologize for not blogging and that is why it has been a while since I was last on here to blog.

But it is a new year and I am excited to see what happens with everything. I hopeful I will be able to keep up with blogging on a weekly basis and maybe I can share a few photos of my new one a little later.

I hope everyone has set up some great goals for themselves for this year, I know I have. I want to get twice as much stuff into my shop as I had last year and with an infant it might not be possible but that is my goal. My other goal is to try to participate more in the group/team.

Happy New year everyone and lets make this year better than last.


  1. Congratulations! I am very new to Etsykids, and I'm trying to figure it all out and get involved for the new year! : )

  2. Hi, I saw this site on my etsy traffic sources, but cant see where someone got to my site from yours, just curious! :)


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