Sunday, October 25, 2009

Uh oh...

One week, that's right ONE week away from the super huge highly anticipated "Guess what! I'm having a fire fighter birthday party and you're invited!" to every passerby in the grocery store that will pay any attention at all, and my little boy is sick. Sick sick sick. Fever in the middle of the night, "Mommy can I have some water?" sick. Ugh. The kind where you want to wrap him up and hold him and rock it all away. In fact, we try. But he's sleeping now. And quite heavy. Hence the I'm up at the crack of dawn blogging because I just got him back to sleep kind of thing. It's o.k. - we're gonna beat this one. I'm determined. He's determined. After all, we've been inviting all of the shoppers at the local market for weeks now...wish us well!


  1. Same thing happened to us last yesterday..huge party all paid for, a family party scheduled for the next day, and a + Swine Flu diagnosis that morning :( Hope all is well :)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Praying for a speedy recovery for these little ones. It's no fun to be sick, especially the day of your birthday party.


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