Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Time sure does Fly

I have been soo busy getting ready for my new bundle of joy that I keep forgetting to post a blog for you to read. So Sorry!! I do have only 5 more weeks to go so I am getting super excited. And Everyone is getting ready for Halloween so that will be fun too. YAY!! Ok wanted to make an effort to at least post something and not be a completely horrible poster.

Ohh and We finally got to find out our bundle will be a little girl. So I have tons of shopping to do still. My five year old son is excited about having a little sister too so I am soo totally blessed with that. Well again I am sorry I have neglected you all and I hope I can get back into the groove of posting for you all.


  1. Wow, a little girl. How sweet. Congratulations, enjoy your shopping and wish you all the best.

  2. Yay for sweet baby girls!


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