Saturday, August 01, 2009

Sis Boom Nuggets

5 years ago I stared a 'Women Entrepreneur' scrap book - merely as inspiration for myself...I mean - if they can do it - I can...right?! RIGHT! SO - It has grown and grown I now have 2 HUGE volumes and it's great to see women who I have in the scrapbook when they were just starting out that are now very successful and extremely popular, like Carol's Daughter hair and skin care, I was reading about her when she was just selling out of her home and thinking about expanding, now she's seriously rocking and rolling! Hopefully, an article about ME will one day be in my scrap book! hee hee!

I take the book out at least a couple of times a month and go through and read a few articles for inspiration. Last night I was skimming through...and on page 27 of my scrap book is Sis Boom - Jennifer Paganelli is the creative genius behind this line of fabrics and patterns. The name for her business was the actual nickname that her twin brother called her when they were growing up!

There are 3 specific statements from her article that I would like to share with you today.

"I used to be so worried that my family would feel left out because I was so busy, or overwhelmed by so much stuff everywhere. (The business has definitely spilled into every room int he house!) But I've learned that the family is happy when Mommy is happy. Doing something you love is the best example you can set for your kids!"

"Back in 1995, when I first started this business, I was living in a new state with a toddler running in and out between my legs. I didn't have a brilliant plan the, but I did have all these old textiles and wallpapers that I'd collected at flea markets over the years. I've learned the best business ideas are usually hiding somewhere in your hobby!"

"Everyone has a work style, but it can take awhile to be honest with yourself about just what that is. I used to believe that I needed the perfect work space to get things done. What's more it had to be clean! But over the years I have learned to let my craft room be the place where I work and work - and then sweep when I have the time!

I hope you Diva's have a rock out Saturday! Hope these 'nuggets' give you inspiration - like they do me - wishing you every success! SMOOCHES!


  1. Very inspiring! I love this: "Doing something you love is the best example you can set for your kids!"

  2. I agree Shannon! You show your kids that life is worth enjoying! And give them something to look forward to!

  3. Very inspiring! Thanks for sharing!

  4. Great advice. It's good to hear I'm not the only one with a house overflowing with my "stuff".

  5. I think my house takes 'overflowing' to a whole nuther level! LOL

  6. I totally agree with you. I am now letting my mess be as they are and scoop them all up with a whoosh of magic dust and they will be back in their respective place (when I have the time to do once a week. :>)

  7. LOL! My main issue is the 'once a week - (usually Saturday)' that I try to clean - I always find something that I had forgotten about and it makes me want to sew - so I get side tracked - never fails! HA!


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