A cheerful bunny is hiding in a few item listings from EtsyKids members. Find just one of them and you could win a fabulous prize! Today there are eight prizes, and therefore eight chances to win! Hurrah!
Today's clue is: A lagomorph mammal
When you think you've solved it and know what the keyword is, go to Etsy.com and type your keyword + etsykids team into the search, and start looking!
Once you have found the image, send a conversation to Lizzypops with 'EtsyKids Egg-stravaganza' in the subject line, and a link to the item where you found it by midnight (Eastern time) April 4th. All correct entries will be entered into a random drawing for a prize!
For complete instructions on how to play and contest rules, please click here.
A big thanks to My Mini-Mocs for designing the images, and Little Elephant Company for coming up with the clues!
Now on to the prizes:
REVERSIBLE Car Seat Covers for Infants Toddlers and Adults in Sandi Henderson
from Amy Rose Designs
Protect your baby’s neck by adding these reversible car seat belt covers to his/her car seat, stroller or carrier. Not only do the strap protectors fit around baby’s seat straps, but they fit perfectly around an adult seat belt. Use this set in your child’s car seat or for two of the seat belts in your car.
Spring Berry Basket
from bugbitesplayfood
Your little Chef will delight in picking their own berries, putting them in the basket. Also a great addition to play food pancakes, ice cream, tarts & anything else you can think of. This set contains a "delicious" mix of 2 strawberries, 5 blueberries & 3 raspberries all contained in this perfect lidded & handled berry-picking basket. All berries fit nicely inside for easy storage.
Boo Boo Birdie Hot Cold Pack by Daisy Creek Designs
from daisycreek
Made with 100% cotton flannel, 100% polyester felt, filled with 100% organic golden flax seeds and embellished with 100% polyester ribbon, this Boo Boo Birdie is the perfect addition to your freezer or home first aid kit. The Boo Boo Birdie can be kept in the freezer and used at a moments notice for an ouchy or put into the microwave for about 20 seconds to soothe sore muscles.
PAIR of Collectible kids books about Hawaii's endangered species AUTOGRAPHED
from tikitales
The official selection for President Obama's Inaugural Ball gift baskets for the Hawaii State Society! A PAIR of collectible kid's books written & illustrated & self-published by Judi Riley. BOTH books are NEW, AUTOGRAPHED, Hardcover, and 40 pages, including glossary.
Chic Mink and Bella Baby - Baby's First Things - Rose Pink - Traveling Baby Wrap Pillow
from Goldtonedesigns
Our neck wrap pillows can be positioned any way you want to, to give your baby the support he needs for his head while napping. (Back, Front, Side) Travel pillows are great for airplanes, long car trips or just going to the store. Adorable antique pictures of baby's first shoes, first socks and first jumper are displayed with sunny flowers in this cute girly pink print. Baby cloths are about 1 1/2", from the 'Bella Baby' collection by Michele D'Amore for Marcus Brothers Fabrics. Winter White - so very soft Chic Mink on the back !
Easter Egg Sugar Cookies Felt Play Food Set of 6
from thelittlelovebug
Each cookie measures about 2 inches . This item will fit your child's little hands perfectly. Your child will love these! What a cute party favor for a birthday party. The design is machine embroidered and each one is handsewn around the cookie.
Number Flipboard Game
from TootsieBear
Learning is easy when it's hands on fun! Children love using my flipboards! Each is printed, laminated and cut to fit my flipboards. Great gift for children, or for teachers and child care providers.This set includes numbers 1-20 and flipboard with rings. Mix up each set and attach to flipboard. Children count the dots and find the matching numeral and number word.
DIZZY DOTS Crayon Roll Up
from happybabeeandbeeyond
The crayon roll up comes with 8 crayons to keep your little one entertained. It is perfect for long waits in the doctor’s office or at a restaurant. The crayon roll has a flap that you fold over to keep the crayons from slipping out into your purse or diaper bag.
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