Don't loose baby's favorites ever again! This stylish and functional pacifier clip from Baby Peas and Carrots will stay in place to wherever you attach it to. Clip it on baby's shirt, coat, favorite blankie or even the carseat. These clips are also perfect for attaching your baby's favorite little toy, blankie or teether. Your choice of fabric, see this listing for swatches: Fabric Choice-Pacifier Clip
The Partridge in a Pear Tree is hiding in a few item listings from EtsyKids members. Find just one of them and you could win this pacifier clip!
Today's clue is: apples, oranges, and bananas
When you think you've solved it and know what the keyword is, go to and type your keyword + etsykids team into the search, and start looking!
Once you have found the image, send a conversation to Mod Dot Textiles with 'EtsyKids 12 Days of Christmas' in the subject line, and a link to the item where you found it by midnight (Eastern time) November 28th. All correct entries will be entered into a random drawing for the prize!
Don't forget to keep track of where you find each day's image so you can enter the grand prize drawing at the end!
For complete instructions on how to play and contest rules, please click here.
A big thanks to BuggaLove and My Mini-Mocs for creating the images, and Little Elephant Company for coming up with the clues!
Written by:
The Clever Kitty
A big thanks to BuggaLove and My Mini-Mocs for creating the images, and Little Elephant Company for coming up with the clues!
Written by:
The Clever Kitty
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ReplyDeleteyaay EtsyKids! Great job on this, the images are so cute! The fun begins!!