Monday, January 21, 2013

EtsyKids Design Challenge: It's time to Vote!

It's time to vote for your favorite item! Voting will be open until January 27th. This month, EtsyKids members were challenged to create an exciting new item based on a theme "Be Mine". We received a lot of fantastic entries, please vote for your favorite from the list below.

Friday, January 18, 2013

EtsyKids Design Challenge for January: Be Mine

image via

"Be Mine" is our challenge for January, picked by our last month's winner byMaree.  This month we'll be featuring handmade gifts, cards, personalization, fashion, parties decor and DIY ideas.  Inspired by love, hearts, Cupid and his arrow.

EtsyKids members will have until January 20th to submit their entries, and voting will be open to everybody from January 21st to January 27th. So, be sure to come back to the EtsyKids blog for a new post on the 21st to see all of the entries and VOTE!  In the meantime, please click here to get a sneak peek at some exciting entries so far!

Monday, January 14, 2013

Bring the Outdoors in: Snow

By Christine of Belly Bear Baby Gear
Sometimes you can't go and enjoy the great outdoors.  That doesn't mean you can't bring the outdoors inside.  For this experience we brought some fluffy wintery white into our living room.

Sean and Isabel love the snow, but as they are still young, they don't tolerate being out in the cold for very long.  Bringing a tub of snow into the house gave them the opportunity to explore the snow at their leisure.

Not many supplies are needed for this activity: a large sheet or table cloth to cover the floor, a dish pan, and a few kitchen utensils.  I provided them with spoons, forks and plastic cups for this occasion.  And of course a good dose of snow!

Isabel and Sean made quick work of this snow.  Of course their favorite thing was eating it!  Next time it's just too cold to go out and enjoy the snow, go ahead and bring some in.  Sit back and enjoy the show.  Our house was filled with squeals of delight as Sean and Isabel marveled at the feel of the cold snow on their hands.

Christine can be found online in the following locations:


Friday, January 04, 2013

EtsyKids Design Challenge: We have a Winner!

Congratulations to the winner of our December's EtsyKids Team Design Challenge, Nativity Felt Board Story Set made by Maree!

"This is a fun and faith based felt board set that goes great with the Nativity story! Kids of all ages will love the beautiful detailed images as they enjoy a Biblical Christmas story..hands on!

This set is great at home, in the car, at church, and at any other time you need your little ones to play with a quiet toy!"

By Maree makes a variety of fun, educational magnets and felt board story sets, that sure to make your little one occupied, and happy for hours.  Please be sure to visit by Maree, right here.